Final: Part 2
I like this class because we learn how to type better and faster. Mr. haymore also encourages us to become better people in this world. He always reminds us that we should always choose the right. What i don't like about this class is that i have trouble with computers its like if they hate me because I always have trouble.
We can improve this class by teaching us how to use it more. Like some tricks we can learn.
I believe I could do better in this class. I tried to do good but it was a little confusing since I missed weeks from this school.
Yes I read my 100+ planning goals when I can because it motives me to accomplish as much as goals as I can and I also write some down that I have in my head.
Yes i am committed to be a CTR person because it feels good when you choose the right. When you choose the right your life becomes easier.
I will promise to take care of my mind, body, and spirit. if I don't take care of one of these i mest up all. because there all a cycle.